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  The outbreak of wars in Ukraine and Gaza, in addition to the hardships caused by the destruction and suffering for the inhabitants of these countries, also brings troubles to the economies and populations of other countries worldwide. The state of war leads to an increase in energy prices on the international market, upon which the growth a...

By Husein Mehmedović, Sejma Hajric

Insufficient economic development of some countries can be result of insufficient financial investments in knowledge and education. One of those countries is Bosnia and Herzegovina. Authorities at all levels have appropriated minimal funds for these purposes so far. The importance of knowledge and education in economic development can be detected o...

By Husein Mehmedović

In conditions of globalisation and deregulation, banking business has become very risky. Turbulant environment especially apostrophized the meaning of managing the market risk – intrest rate risk, exchange rate risk and risk of changing asset price. Investors (banks) make decisions about modalities and risk managment techniques.The choice ranges fr...

By Husein Mehmedović, Goran Šijan, Nedina Moralić