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Review article


Husein Mehmedović ,
Husein Mehmedović
Goran Šijan ,
Goran Šijan
Nedina Moralić
Nedina Moralić


In conditions of globalisation and deregulation, banking business has become very risky. Turbulant environment especially apostrophized the meaning of managing the market risk – intrest rate risk, exchange rate risk and risk of changing asset price. Investors (banks) make decisions about modalities and risk managment techniques.The choice ranges from the simple assessment and monitoring of risk, and sophisticated models to specific banking techniques that allow the transfer of risk to the other side. Swap operations belong to this third category. They allow the transfer of market risk to a counterparty in the effective ALM approach. Swapoperationsare particularlywell developed incountrieswith developedfinancial infrastructure, butsomeforms ofswaptransactionsare createdin countriesin transition. In the first part of this work, the attention was focused on the basic determinants of swap transactions. In the second part, the focus of analysis is on modalities of swap transactions, with emphasis on the basic advantages which some swap jobs offer banks, especially in terms of reducing borrowing costs. In the third part, review was given on the practice of using swap arrangement in the countries in transition. The conclusion is reserved for research results


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