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We live in a world of massively use of social networks, which are gradually taking a central place in modern communication, replacing forums, e-mail and sms. However, what needs to be pointed out is that the use of social networks has changed not only the way of spending free time, communication, business, but also the way of learning and the way o...

By Ela Martinčević, Krešimir Buntak, Ivana Martinčević

The primary motive of this research is determining the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the highly complex structures such as global supply chains. The research draws conclusions about the current situation and challenges that global supply chains will face in the near future. Therefore, primary and secondary data sources, statistical indicators ...

By Maja Matajčić, Krešimir Buntak, Sanja Zlatić

The SARS CoV-2 pandemic during 2020 left repercussions on a large number of countries and their economic, health and social systems. National pandemic headquarters tried to limit the spread of the virus which resulted in a reduction of economic activity. The consequence of such measures is an increase in unemployment and the creation of a new parad...

By Matija Kovačić, Krešimir Buntak, Petra Tišler