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In this paper, we are dealing with self-services that public administration could provide to all users of certain services. Here, we propose the application of electronic and mobile self-service in public administration, and the use of some new concepts that can support such service. We will also state what both the service user and the public admi...

By Davor Radivojević, Mladen Radivojević, Nehad Gaši, Dina Vrebac, Rudolf Petrušić

Blockchain technology has the potential to improve traceability and transparency, reduce errors and fraud, and increase efficiency and speed in logistics processes. However, the adoption of blockchain in logistics is not without challenges, such as technical complexity, regulatory issues, cultural resistance, and the need for strong governance and ...

By Abidin Deljanin, Mehmed Konaković, Amer Konaković

27.01.2023. Review article

Today, under changed circumstances and social movements, under the influence of the scientific-technological revolution and, in general, on a global scale, the need to connect life and education is projected, the search for what is identical in different, different in identical, multiplicity in one and one in the multitude ... It is that vast socia...

By Enes Huseinagić

Considering the enormous influence of the euro currency on the global economy, we will take a closer look at its advantages and disadvantages, as well as the positive and negative effects that this currency has on the individual. The euro, which is controlled by the European Central Bank (ECB), was launched with great fanfare and anticipation. Howe...

By Dina Klarić, Jelena Laća Mrdeža

During the actual energy crisis, primarily in the EU but also in our region, governments in the region are intensively trying to decentralize production in the energy sector by encouraging the construction of new production facilities and encouraging citizens to produce electricity. The largest number of renewable sources of electricity (RES) are c...

By Saša Đekić

Today we are witnessing a time in which even wars in the world between different states are taking place in a digital format. In today's environment where the number of cyberattacks is constantly growing, no one can rely on traditional protection such as antivirus software and malware detection software anymore. Cybercrime includes a set of crimina...

By Nehad Gaši, Dina Vrebac, Amira Trako

27.01.2023. Review article

The European Day of Justice was established on June 5, 2003 by the Council of Europe and the European Commission. The main goal is to bring the citizens closer to the judicial system, so that they know their rights and the means available to them in order to exercise their rights. The main purpose of Justice Day is to educate and inform the general...

By Rajko Kasagić

The Internet of Things, or "IoT" for short, is a modern concept that refers to extending the possibilities of the Internet beyond its natural computer environment to a wide range of other processes and environments. The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is a special part of the IoT that is continuously gaining in strength and popularity. The Intern...

By Muhamed Ćosić, Nešad Krnjić, Rudolf Petrušić

27.01.2023. Review article

Nikola Tesla is one of the greatest inventors in the field of electrical engineering. Nikola Tesla invented a transformer for creating high-frequency and high-voltage "Tesla currents". Advances in electronics have helped people make Tesla transformers that are widely used in everyday life. Tesla experimented with high frequencies and very high volt...

By Armin Čelarević

27.01.2023. Scientific article

Heat pumps or heat pumps are devices that have the ability to transfer energy. Pumps transfer the energy they take from the outside and transfer it to the inside of buildings, i.e. to places where heating or cooling is needed. The heat pump consists of the following parts: compressor, expansion valve, gas (for example R410) or heat transfer fluid, ...

By Azra Hrustić, Nehad Gaši