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Almir Ahmetspahić ,
Damir Lihovac
Damir Lihovac


The development of modern society is accompanied by a continuous increase in the need for transportation (transportation), which results in traffic congestion, a lack of parking spaces in stationary traffic in urban areas, and an increase in transportation costs, a decrease in safety, and an increase in harmful effects on the environment. In the past, efforts were made to solve these problems by increasing traffic capacity through the construction of new traffic infrastructure and by improving the technical characteristics of vehicles, but it is evident that these measures did not produce the expected results, even though they required enormous investments in infrastructure and vehicles, and the need to occupy increasingly large areas of land that increasingly limited in urban areas. From the above, it follows that a completely new approach and new solutions are needed to solve the mentioned problems, which will ensure sustainable mobility and meet the demands of users for transportation while respecting the requirements for environmental protection. Thus, the approaches to solving these problems have evolved over time and were greatly influenced by current technical achievements, so we can expect that the progress of the Internet in general, and in particular the segment that is more recently called the Internet of Things (IoT) and which as a fairly new concept enables the improvement of existing and the development of completely new solutions. This paper aims to provide an overview of some already known solutions in the field of traffic that are based on the IoT concept and to provide guidelines for the possible further application of IoT solutions to improve traffic and mobility in general


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