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Sedžad Milanović
Sedžad Milanović


This paper shows the relationship between criminal responsibility and corporate security by analyzing the responsibilities of physical, licensed and legal persons in corporations. These two institutes are interesting and challenging area of research, given the changes in the criminal legislation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and normative framework in which business entities exist today.Corporate Security is one of the core strategic functions of any serious legal entity, and therefore the question can be asked whether the performance of these functions make certain acts or omissions that could lead to criminal responsibility of both individuals and legal entities.With the entry into force of the new criminal codes in Bosnia and Herzegovina, was intro duced in our legislation for the first time and the responsibility of legal persons for criminal offenses, so it is important to determine which criminal provisions are applicable to legal persons and for which crimes.The development of new scientific and practical technology leads to such forms of crime in the context of a corporation in which, in addition to the individual or individuals as responsible persons, and more important and criminal liability of legal persons.Also, very important concern is the responsibility of the responsible person within legal persons and other individuals in the legal entity, all with respect to their assigned duties and responsibilities set forth by law and other regulations.


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