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Sabahudin Hadžialić
Sabahudin Hadžialić


The future of business lies within a wholly digital network through interactively connected world. Without the right systems, but also without high level of social responsibility based on cultural, social and all other sensitive human existence related issues within the understandings of management of the firm and also without focusing in place to manage and protect the firm, businesses are faced with challenges of problems with data security. Through this paper-case study will be shown how Human errors; Disgruntled employees; Property Theft / Misplacement of the records; Cyber criminals; Insufficient Network security; Accessibility to information and Social Networks might jeopardize security of the enterprise, regardless if we are talking about small and/or big business in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The importance of the final outcomes lies not only in protecting the firm from all kinds of security threats, but also in establishing of the proper systems through adequate use of new communication technologies and through education & information security trainings, adequate recovery plans and constant evolving of the risks with which firm might be faced.


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