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Enes Huseinagić


It had been discussed about tuition fees for the past decades. The abolition of tuition fees has been discussed by many institutions, parliaments, etc. with the aim of unique solutions in the protection of the constitutional rights of citizens because some schools and faculties use the growing influx of pupils and students who acquire a certain level of education through part-time learning and taking exams. A lot of tuition fees and contributions put pressure on those who want to study. Specifically - who charges, how much, and from whom - is the basis of a long-running story about the abolition of unpopular tuition fees. Private institutions, such as universities, high schools, language learning centers, and organizers of music and cultural education - charge tuition fees from directly interested persons for instructional - teaching assistance and testing of acquired knowledge for organized forms of education, vocational training, specialization, and retraining. Most secondary and higher education schools, faculties, and other organizations dealing with verified forms of education charge candidates in the form of „enrollment“ or „advance“ fees for exams, exercises, seminars, and other forms of „assistance“, namely most often at its discretion, without the insight of the competent authorities and the consent of the society at all.


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