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In the last 10 years, the development of small agricultural holdings has prevailed in Central Bosnia. Plant productions in the first region of raspberries, plums and apples are represented. The second region is raspberry, strawberry and apple and the third region is plum, apple and pear. This production is accompanied by the services of agricultura...

By Aida Varupa, Krsto Mijanović

20.12.2014. Review article

Although since the industrial revolution knowledge holds a key to development, is now emerging as an important entrepreneurial resource and basic generator of economic growth. Influenced the development of ICT and qualitatively different social relations, multiplying the effect of the application of new knowledge accelerates the transformation of m...

By Nikola Kuvačić, Zenaida Varupa

World and domestic literature and entrepreneurial practice on the pedestal of key factors of business success they put business ethics, social responsibility, environmental protection and sustainable development which today are mutual permeate and ultimately determine all activities of business and social entities and influence the entire natural a...

By Nikola Kuvačić, Zenaida Varupa