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Milan Stanković ,
Milan Stanković
Pavle Gladović ,
Pavle Gladović
Vladimir Popović ,
Vladimir Popović
Nada Stojanović
Nada Stojanović


The existence of passengers in the public transport system puts extremely high demands on the organizers of this process, because any disturbance in the carriage of passengers reflects the satisfaction of the quality of transport services. The quality of public transport depends on the policy planning of the city development and mobility that is now developing. The main objective of the work is reflected in the presentation of the importance of a system of public transport and good connections lines for people who live in the peripheral areas of the city. Better access to the locations of jobs, the city center and other facilities is a priority towards sustainable development of the village. As a special part of this work will be presented research of counting of passengers in vehicles on suburban routes 33 and 39 in Nis. Based on that graphical representations are made passenger flow by driving directions for each departure, taking into account the working day, saturday and sunday. They will also be given a description of the route of line with the basic data for the two lines. The results were analyzed, graphically presented and carried out on the basis of their conclusion


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