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Almedina Hatarić ,
Almedina Hatarić
Imran Kasumović
Imran Kasumović


Safety Information System includes actions, measures and procedures in order to protect data and information system from unforeseen events with undesirable consequences. In this direction is the increasing need for disabling any accidental or deliberate distortions and prevent the functions of computer systems. We should also create the necessary conditions for the proper use of predefined functions of information systems. As a basis for finding a satisfactory answer to the question of protection of information systems, we start from the classification of threats that can jeopardize the same accident, crime and error. On the basis of this classification,there are given four answers to questions where a partial response is received, and by their synthesisis receiveda fuller response: the value of hardware and software; versatility of computer systems; characteriatics of computer systems. First, it is necessary to define the purpose of the protection system, that any system of protection has meaning only if something, somewhere, and for some reason needs to be protected, and in order to achieve the goal, we need to execute something in some way on the function. The solution of these set goals is that question is possible with logical units, and according to the "golden questions" of criminology, the corresponding "golden questions" of information protection and which require full answers


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