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Review article


Sinan Alispahić ,
Sinan Alispahić
Tihomir Đurić ,
Tihomir Đurić
Hata Mušinović ,
Hata Mušinović
Irfan Zec
Irfan Zec


The purpose of this paper is to point out the importance of the impact of new technologies on protection and road safety. The use of certain technological solutions in practice has many advantages, but also shows a number of problems and phenomena that negatively reflect on the protection and safety in road traffic. The consequences of the application of new technology and communications solutions today are reflected in a growing problem distraction, and distraction to driving. The problem is present in all the frequent use of various technological devices, whose use during driving can be dangerous, affecting the safety of driving. Most often when driving using mobile devices to talk or write and read messages. A number of relevant research on the dangers of using mobile phones while driving a vehicle, which are discussed in the paper, indicating their deleterious effects on road safety. Implementation of new measures to protect participants, and first and foremost the driver while driving a vehicle requires a minimum standard and the adoption of the legislation, which will affect the reduction in risk and increase protection and security during driving.


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