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Lejla Skopljak ,
Lejla Skopljak
Aida Vrbanjac ,
Aida Vrbanjac
Adela Mujinović
Adela Mujinović


Risk is main part of business, and if it is not timely detected and not taken appropriate control activities, risk with its damaging consequences could prevent a successful business. New trends in the exchange of goods, services, money and capital, and the movement of people, get new forms and lose numerous of the existing restrictions. New opportunities are created but also more unknown risks that can not be viewed to the end. More vulnerable national security requires new approaches and solutions of the state against money laundering and abuse of illegal actions. Bosnia and Herzegovina is recognized as a risky country for acquiring illegal assets or the money laundering. Innovation and imagination of people who are dealing with money laundering is unlimited. The variety of possible process of converting illegal money into apparently legitimate, points to the fact that money laundering has complex structure. Banks and other financial institutions occupy first place in the prevention of money laundering, they are also the most exposed to risks of money laundering activities. Prevention measures in this case include the identification of cash and suspicious transactions through risk assessment. The risk assessment approach should be used by all participants in the market trends in order to assess the risk of money laundering that accompanies clients, financial transactions, geographical area, looking for potentially suspicious activity.


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