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Rade Biocanin ,
Rade Biocanin
Jasmin Jusufranic ,
Jasmin Jusufranic
Mehmed Sivic
Mehmed Sivic


A key challenge with which, in the biggest measure, the countries of Western Balkans will face is expressed in the development of the millenium goals of the UN in the department of long-term development of energy by year 2050. Scientism understood as the belief in science, ego became like the base of our reality at the beginning of the third millennium. It is felt that the faith in science and scientific advancements is the base of every rebirth and society advancement overcoming all obstacles. Does then the science responsibility exist if its the only true knowledge, if only science responsibility , with its own power, accomplish good? Shouldn’t it be that moral justification is by itself moral and good, which is the base of every moral justification? To practically answer these questions, philosophers, sociologists, economists, engineers, ecologists and other researchers have to critically deliberate the nature and factology of the environmental catastrophe. Economic and environmental influences of company business on the community require from the manager to confront the (non)efficiency, that is (non)effectiveness acting on departments for environment protection, and also accepting responsibility in a way where the companies use energy and energetic resources. With this coauthor piece, the need for more than renunciation from the scineism problem is shown, to be able to find the meaning of science and to determine the aggressiveness on its principles, because development contributes the advancement without borders for growth.


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