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Review article


Sinan Alispahić ,
Sinan Alispahić
Jasmin Jusufranić ,
Jasmin Jusufranić
Mirsad Imamović
Mirsad Imamović


The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of automated driving, point out its significance and major safety benefits and offer some recommendations for creating a regulatory environment that gives priority to road safety. Prototypes of automated vehicles capable of self-driving new technologies were and will continue to be tested on public roadsthroughout Europe and other continents. Automated driving brings many benefits, such as improving traffic safety, reducing the possibility of human error, accelerated use of security technologies, reducing downtime and so on. It is expected that commercial production of automated vehicles started in 2017. The market will be a wide range of models of automated vehicles in place until year 2030. Automated driving technology allows self-driving vehicles, but today is not yet clear how these vehicles will be able to self-drive in all circumstances, especially in trade with conventional vehicles, other participants in traffic and in different climatic conditions. In addition to the benefits brought by automated driving, there are also other potential challenges such as addressing key road risk, but also create new ones. It is necessary to investigate a number of strategic questions that will provide answers and contribute to the efficient use of the partially and fully automated vehicles


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