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Review article


Mimo Drašković ,
Mimo Drašković
Veselin Drašković ,
Veselin Drašković
Slobodan Lakić
Slobodan Lakić


Quasi-neoliberal rhetoric in some transitional countries is predominantly of apologetic and interest character. Unfortunately, it represents not only an "extended hand" of alternative institutions, but also an anti-development basis of official economic policy. It is one of the proven ideological methods for ignoring and submission the formal and informal institutions.This paper criticizes the imposed, dominant and selective theoretical modelings of economic reality, which are of monistic (quasi-neoliberal) and mathematical-statistical character. We describe them as a deliberate transition from analysis and explanation of fundamental economic problems towards secondary issues. Therefore, we characterize them as a programmed models to dim the essence of the main problems of economic reality. We start from the hypothesis that the aforesaid modelings have replaced and virtually eliminated former synthesized and useful political-economic analysis. In conclusion, we note the need for greater affirmation of political economy, which, combined with neo-institutional theories, could provide a much more realistic view of social and economic reality.


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