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Almedina Hatarić
Almedina Hatarić


Bosnia and Herzegovina is a small country with very few large urban agglomerations that are especially demanding in the area of public transport, especially in the segment of high capacitive mass transportation (tram, metro or lakošinski systems). Of the cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina that have public transport are: Sarajevo (around 480,000 inhabitants), Banja Luka (around 230,000 inhabitants), Tuzla (around 131,000 inhabitants), Zenica (around 128,000 inhabitants), Mostar (about 112,000 inhabitants), Bijeljina (around 108,000 inhabitants, Prijedor (about 95,000 residents) and Brcko (about 76,000 inhabitants. of the listed cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo only works with four different modes of urban transport: bus, tram and trolleybus see transportation. Cities the future should be to increase alternative modes of transport and transport, modernizing existing infrastructure, increase the level of safety of road users. Innovative ideas should be in the cities for better comfort and safer life. Cycling as a mode of transportation in urban areas becomes a determinant of cities as a new way of thinking of many citizens in most developed cities


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