Traffic is not a problem in itself, but the problem arises in situations, relationships and activities of human society. The increase in the number of motor vehicles and the relatively small scale of the increase of modern road network, and the fact that the road accidents in the world today is killed far more people than any other reason (fires, floods, earthquakes, etc.) Pointed out to the fore the problem of security traffic. Number of casualties in road accidents in BiH is the number of over 500 persons per year, while the number of people with mild or serious bodily harm ranges from about 2,500. According to the latest research of the European Union, every year on the roads of the European Union in road accidents killed over 50,000 people. Enhanced use of motor vehicles in traffic has caused many problems, of particular importance, it became a question of how to compensate third parties, to determine the responsibility for damage caused by a motor vehicle, who should be responsible for any damage caused to a use of a motor vehicle, in any way regulate the application damaged, who should bear the damages, and so on. Accordingly, we recognize the importance of the conclusion of the compulsory liability insurance for damage caused by a motor vehicle to third parties.
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