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Review article


Mimo Drašković ,
Mimo Drašković
Slobodan Lakić ,
Slobodan Lakić
Veselin Drašković
Veselin Drašković


A growing conflict among economy, ecology and ethics must be solved by a corporate social responsibility and a global consensus around vital issues for the survival of humanity. Integration of logistics functions in terms of reverse logistics has a significant contribution to the efforts aimed at saving the environment. Reverse marketing logistics has a major role in the successful realization of the process of recycling waste, which essentially contributes to environmental protection and respect of social and ethics responsibility of business. Reverse logistic flows represent an increasing interest for delivery chain due to an increase of significance of green logistics and a possibility of repeated use of returned goods and raw materials. Although they require additional costs, they enable generation of additional profit. The importance of applying the system of reversed logistics is constantly increasing, both in the integrated delivery chain management and the system of social responsibility towards the environment. Therefore in this paper we start with the hypothesis that the reverse logistics is one of the most important factors affecting the preservation of environment and that it has to be adjusted with the role of social responsibility. We will try to prove the specified hypothesis through an analysis of modern trends, models and theories.


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