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Review article


Vuk Bogdanović ,
Vuk Bogdanović
Nenad Ruškić ,
Nenad Ruškić
Zoran Papić ,
Zoran Papić
Nemanja Garunović
Nemanja Garunović


Traffic flow regulation with traffic signal is often used in cities to increase the level of service and traffic safety. Despite the fact that traffic signals directly eliminate conflict between vehicles, and also between vehicles and pedestrians, traffic accidents at intersections are very frequent. Analysis of accidents at signalized intersections is very specific because in addition to the kinematics of the vehicle and pedestrian must include an analysis of traffic signal operation, respectively traffic signal timing plan and phase plans. Knowledge of the elements of the signal plan is one of the key elements that are necessary to make the results of analysis useful in conclusions regarding the mistakes of the participants of traffic accident. If the intersection is not covered by video surveillance, the classical space-time analysis is not possible to define the occurrence of dangerous traffic situations and omissions of the accident participants. This paper analyzes the main elements of the signal plan and shows an example of time-space analysis of a complex accident


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