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Review article


Pavle Gladović ,
Pavle Gladović
Nemanja Deretić
Nemanja Deretić


Modern urban mass passenger transport cannot be imagined without the use of information and communication technologies. Information technologies become irreplaceable in general informing of users, system of tickets and billing and other systems of public passenger transport. They also provide the ability for introducing uninterrupted and reliable services, in order to satisfy users for an affordable level of quality of service. The paper first provides a brief overview about some of the most important events in the history of the development of urban mass passenger transport on a world level, with a special focus on the city of Belgrade. The system of urban mass passenger transport represents one of the most important elements of the transport policy from the point of view of sustainable development and raising the quality of life of residents in cities. The perspectives of all stakeholders according to the system of urban mass passenger transport are presented in the paper. Hereinafter, new trends in the system of payment of transport services and system of tickets are presented. In addition, a brief overview of alternative technologies is provided for vehicles and fuels and especially for charging technologies of electric vehicles.


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