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It is well known that the gray economy is a scourge of the modern global world, in which all positive and negative phenomena are quickly transferred from country to country. The gray economy is one of the greatest evils of today and leaves significant traces on the entire society. In this paper, we will present some of the negative consequences tha...

By Husein Mehmedović, Sejma Hajric, Narajan Mehmedović

The Danube Region is a new geopolitical phenomenon, which is of particular importance to major political entities in a wider ambience. The area Southeast Europe is permanently burdened with traditional conflicts, but also with postmodern challenges to the existence of states. This is a modern project of the European Union in the context of achievin...

By Slobodan Nešković

Transition countries and underdeveloped countries in long-term development strategies seek to eliminate evident anomalies and controversies in all spheres of society. There is an urgent need for a radical transformation of all segments of the community at all levels of organization and innovation, modeled on the developed countries of the European ...

By Slobodan Nešković

The advent of cloud computing has revolutionized the IT industry, transforming the way organizations store, manage and process data. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the beginnings of cloud services, tracing their evolution from early concepts to the sophisticated solutions we have today. In addition, the document highlights the main...

By Bakir Čičak, Nehad Gaši, Muhamed Ćosić

30.06.2023. Review article

In this paper, we will present mobile networks of the sixth generation, popularly called 6G. It is expected that this generation of mobile networks will cause a complete revolution in the world of technology but also the daily life of the people who use it. The 6G mobile network will not only be a continuation of the 5G mobile network, but will rep...

By Anesa Hadžić, Goran Popović

Robots in education fall into two categories: robots used to teach children about STEM subjects and the more recent application of robots as teachers. The use of robots in education is largely unknown to both researchers and teachers. Developers and educators have questions about essential applications for robots used in education. Educational robo...

By Armin Čelarević, Ilma Mrakić

By modern design of the concrete system, proper selection of cement and aggregates with appropriate additives as well as other concrete production procedures, satisfactory properties of the finished concrete mass can be achieved. When making concrete, aggregate makes up approximately three-quarters of its volume, which has a great influence on the ...

By Zlatica Kuliš, Dževad Avdić

30.06.2023. Review article

One of the participants that affects the loss of signal quality is propagation. In addition to it, we also have connection attenuation, latency, topology and network design. The quality of the digital signal transmitted from the transmitting to the receiving radio-relay device depends on the influence of environmental effects on the propagation of ...

By Amira Mehina, Ivan Čavlina

Starting from the reality of the countries of the Western Balkans, i.e. countries in transition and the fact that many of them are handicapped by their population, territorial and other potentials for implementing a policy of relying on their own forces on an individual basis, it is natural that within the framework of cooperation between developin...

By Enes Huseinagić

Modern instrumental methods used to determine the composition, microstructure and surface structure should respond to increasingly complex problems material testing requirements, in order to meet the increasingly strict technical conditions of receiving and using materials, and therefore the delivery of the finished product. In the aviation industr...

By Božidarka Arsenović