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Traffic is not a problem in itself, but the problem arises in situations, relationships and activities of human society. The increase in the number of motor vehicles and the relatively small scale of the increase of modern road network, and the fact that the road accidents in the world today is killed far more people than any other reason (fires, f...

By Remzija Kadrić, Selma Otuzbir, Irma Hodžić

The importance of innovation is of great importance because the technological innovation are at the heart of technological progress, which is the most important factor in productivity growth, technological growth and economic development. Throughout human history were from the 2nd century onward, changes occurred technical systems that resulted in ...

By Mirsad Nuković

Ecology and economy are increasingly intertwined in the local, regional, national and global level. The paper explains an institutional essence of the conflict that has long existed between the economy and ecology in the context of the need for much better protection of the environment. In the economic literature it is interpreted as a fundamental ...

By Milica Delibašić

Integrated management of water systems is a complex and difficult task, which includes a set of measures and activities aimed at maintaining and improving the water regime, providing the necessary quantities of drinking water, protection of waters from pollution and protection from the damaging effects of water. Population growth and urbanization l...

By Tanja Milešević, Rade Biočanin, Dragan Nikolić

Often remains unknown how to apply and measure sustainable development into reality.0ne way to measure the sustainable development of cities, is achieved by measuring the eco-efficiency. Ecoefficiency, two-dimensional indicator of sustainable development, is one of the ways in which sustainable development can be implemented at all levels. Assess ...

By Rade Biočanin, Tanja Milešević, Mirsada Begić

The process of globalization and strong escalation of economic life, especially intensified at the turn of this century, has led to radical changes in international relations. Instead of the traditional political goals in the first plan came economic priorities and the economy became the foundation of international relations. Therefore, the diploma...

By Slobodan Nešković

Integration processes are the result of globalisation and phenomenon which include a lot of social – economic aspects. Montenegro is in position to do a direct crossing from transition to integration, through nominal, actual, structural and institutional convergence. This paper analyses the achieved economic, institutional, and social development o...

By Mimo Drašković

In civilization, historical, cultural and geographical sense, Montenegro is an integral part of Europe, but not in economical (primarily in the field of competitiveness and backwardness of most economic indicators), infrastructural and institutional sense. 25-years of transition reforms have not given the expected results or propagated economic per...

By Veselin Drašković, Milica Delibašić

After the collapse of the socialist system in early 1990s, the demolition of the Berlin Wall, secession of Soviet Union and the breakup of the former Yugoslavia, the European Union primary interest was to transform the South-Eastern Europe or so-called "space of political and social stability and economic prosperity." But, big differences among cou...

By Mladen Bodiroža

The authors of this paper analyze the factors that are essential in order for domestic enterprises to establish, maintain and develop competitive viability in the global market. The new competitive conditions require new approaches in the field of organizational management and development of competitiveness. The standards and the best practice are ...

By Cariša Bešić, Dejan Đorđević, Doloris C. Bešić, Milena Stanisavljević