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Development and implementation of road safety strategies in Montenegro: Traffic Development Strategies of Montenegro, adopted in 2008, Strategies of State Roads Development and Maintenance, adopted in 2008, and Strategy to improve road safety in Montenegro (2010- 2019), adopted in 2009, with measurable targets, are the key measure of traffic safety...

By Milenko Čabarkapa, Vujadin Vešović

One of the activities in the research as well as other general and social projects, is certainly collecting data, and thereafter, analysis and presentation of the data. Technological development, and fostered the methods of data collection, so that today this purpose, we have a variety of software. It is also significant shift towards user activity...

By Mirsad Nuković, Mirjana Marinković, Jusuf Nuković

In the last decade, road traffic is changing very rapidly, therefore increasingly occupies an important place in the economic and social life in every state. Today, the traffic is the force that carries the rapid development, is changing human relationships, approaching people to each other and is making possible sharing knowledge and resources. Tr...

By Azra Goran –Ramić,

20.06.2015. Review article

The key requirement of road transport with all the new challenges is safety. Strategies that have been identified, measures and activities are aimed at improving safety. The effect of their implementation and impact on road safety trends, was the goal of this study. Research was conducted over the five-year period up to the 2013th in the European U...

By Sinan Alispahić, Tihomir Đurić, Xhevat Podrimqaku

Land reserves of oil, as the modern era's most important source of energy, have been almost exhausted. However, vast deposits of oil and natural gas lie beneath the oceans and seas. This fact has influenced the development of marine engineering and extremely rapid progress of sea keeping. As a field of hydrodynamics, sea keeping theory researches d...

By Tatjana Stanivuk, Ivana Zore

Institutional economic analysis and varied model concept of corporate governance have experienced a research boom for two decades in parallel. Causal links between such 'elixir s' of development are evident, but in theory not sufficiently explored, especially in their complementary interdependence and causality. In all future development models, th...

By Jelena Stjepčević, Milica Delibašić

During centuries road transport has proved its importance in contemporary society. The distribution process of goods in the modern economy, as well as the transport of passengers have been unthinkable without road transport. According to reports of the European Commission, more than 3 million tons of kilometers has been achieved in the EU27 and EU...

By Vladimir Popović, Dejan Bogićević, Pavle Gladović, Nemanja Petrović

The role and importance of the development of the transport system on the growth, development, employment and strengthen the competitive position has been confirmed by the example of the intense development of transport policy and the establishment of a traffic TransEuropean networks in the Member States of the European Union. Their links with the...

By Jasmin Jusufranić, Mirsad Imamović


By Tanja Milešević, Ibrahim Jusufranić

Bosnia and Herzegovina and the countries of Southeastern Europe in the last decade have not led a rational economic policy. The main focus of economic policy must be the domestic economy and above all the real sector of the industry because it generates funds for the growth and development of the economy and increase GDP, and therefore creates the ...

By Ibrahim Jusufranić