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Višnja Kojić ,
Višnja Kojić
Milanka Aleksić
Milanka Aleksić


Based on the data of the Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina in August 2014, the number of registered unemployed persons amounted to 552.363. It is alarming that the high unemployment rate in Bosnia and Herzegovina is a direct consequence of the war, massive displacement, destroyed economy, bad privatization and the grey (underground) economy. Today, Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country in transition, a country of poor and unemployed people. It's a country of unrecognized and untapped opportunities and chances which most valuable asset is human resource, who need entrepreneurship and lifelong learning. Solution of economic, political and social problems firstly we need to take a deep look at ourselves, at our personal and collective initiation in aligning our natural and human resources to the global labor market. To meet the challenges of competitiveness in the market and the challenges of the Project of South-Eastern Europe in 2020, the population needed life skills. We need to replace dysfunctional knowledge with usable and useful knowledge, skills and attitudes. Entrepreneurial education and lifelong learning should become an integral part of our life, way of thinking and lifestyle that will trigger creativity and innovation, enhance personal and collective development, and facilitate self-employment, employment and new job opportunities.


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