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Review article


Mirsad Nuković ,
Mirsad Nuković
Jusuf Nuković ,
Jusuf Nuković
Mirjana Marinkovi Marinković
Mirjana Marinkovi Marinković


Nano Science comprises a line of techniques and a technology within the frame of physical solid condition and physical material, Bio-Engineering, Chemistry and IT that converge from “top down” or “down to top” towards a Nano scale. Today, Nano Science and Nano Technology include researches in the following four areas: Nano Electronics, Nano Materials, Molecular Nano Technologies and Nano Dimensional Microscopy. The primary motto of Nano Technology is: hire individual atoms or molecules to construct functional structures. It is considered that Nano Technology shall have much higher impact onto a society that semiconductor and bio-technologies have today. A Scanning Tunnel Microscopy- STM, a technique based on atomic forces, and so-called ATM spectroscopy, are inevitable techniques for characterization of materials in a Nano scale. The results of modern programmes for molecular modelling can simulate very successfully the results of some instruments used in instrumental chemistry analyse and follow a flow of chemical reactions. Computer methods are quite cheaper than spectroscopic, but today, they are very reliable, if we know how to apply them correctly, but this does not mean, of course, to replace them completely with experimental chemical methods.


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