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Aleksandr I. Burya Dniprovsk ,
Aleksandr I. Burya Dniprovsk
Yekaterina A. Yeriomina ,
Yekaterina A. Yeriomina
Igor I. Polovnikov ,
Igor I. Polovnikov
Aleksandr F. Morozov
Aleksandr F. Morozov


Modern machine building requires expanding the range of wear-resistant materials possessing strong exploitation characteristics. In this respect, obtaining new polymer composite materials is of great interest. Such materials have been developed based on thermo resistant polyamide S-1 by means of introducing powder-like carbonyl nickel. The compositions were prepared by means of mixing the components within the rotating electromagnetic field. According to the obtained data, the characteristics of this system are defined by the filling degree. In this way the impact strength reaches its maximum at nickel content of 15 mass %.As for the hardness, compression strength and thermo physical properties of metal-containing polymers, they all grow with the increase of Ni content, which is provided for by good adhesion between the filler and the binder. The smallest wear in the conditions of dry friction is that of the composition material containing 15 mass % of carbonyl nickel. This system is more than eleven times as wear-resistant as pure S-1.With this regard, developed metal-polymers have been designed from metal-containing polymers for pivot knots and brake systems of ZIU, UMZ, Skoda trolleybuses instead of bronze. These have shown good performance and reliability at exploitation. Due to the proposed bushings dimensions, the entire rangeof sleeves repair can be solved and purchases of new ones can be reduced. Thus, given the reliability and work efficacy of the mentioned bushings, replacing the series parts of trolleybus friction knots made of alloys based on nonferrous metals with the metal-containing polymers ones becomes profitable


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