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Mirsad Imamović ,
Mirsad Imamović
Bruno Bojić
Bruno Bojić


Logistics is a term that has been accepted by economic science from military science and practice, where it is commonly used as a synonym for military supply and military formation on the field (as a professional name for a part of the war skills). Otherwise, today the term logistics usually means controlling the flow and storage of materials respectively all activities in the transfer of raw materials, semi-finished and finished products from the first producer to final consumer. However, it should be noted that logistics has been for a long time a completely new area of economic scientific exploration, and its content was most commonly identified with transport and storage.The interest for the management of activities in the field of logistics has led to different interpretations of the concept of her and she answered with a kind of confusion, because the number of terms used to denote the process of physical movement of goods from suppliers through manufacturers and intermediaries to the final consumer. As with most economic terms, in the scientific and professional literature today there are more opinions, even about the origin of the concept of logistics and many of its definition, which this paper will try to scientifically illuminated and somehow relatively harmonized


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