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Review article


Muhamed Bajrić ,
Muhamed Bajrić
Lejla Skopljak
Lejla Skopljak


One of the most complex financial functions in state administration is collecting and distributing of fiscal revenues. This matter, besides economic, legal, sociological and demographic aspects includes a number of other aspects. Regulating this matter is an interdisciplinary approach and often it is the main stumbling block in organizing inter-ethnic and other relationships in a complex social community. Particularly the issue is compounded by the federally regulated state communities, and there are a number of problems in the unitary states that follow. Keeping this in mind, it is necessary constantly to seek out newer and more contemporary techniques that could contribute to the improvement and development of solving these issues. The theoretical approaches in this paper can be the basis for an analysis of existing solutions and possibly stimulate reflection on some new approaches to addressing conflict issues


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