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Milenko Čabarkapa ,
Milenko Čabarkapa
Vujadin Vešović
Vujadin Vešović


Development and implementation of road safety strategies in Montenegro: Traffic Development Strategies of Montenegro, adopted in 2008, Strategies of State Roads Development and Maintenance, adopted in 2008, and Strategy to improve road safety in Montenegro (2010- 2019), adopted in 2009, with measurable targets, are the key measure of traffic safety management, which has stabilized and then reduced the number of fatal casualties in road traffic in Montenegro. However, the deterioration of relative indicators of traffic safety in Montenegro in 2013, sets up a request to revise the existing Strategy to improve safety in road traffic ( 2010 to 2019) by introducing a vision - life and human health are more important than his mobility and other road traffic objectives, by determining the development policy of road traffic system which will be able to better adapt to human mistakes and take into account the vulnerability of the human body, and by performing procedures to improve road safety by accepting the best practice relating to the strengthening of the institutional capacity of the traffic safety throughout lead agency, speed reduction, reduction of drivers participation under the influence of alcohol, increasing the use of helmets, seat belts and child seats


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