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Tanja Milešević
Tanja Milešević


Railway transport is linked to the same conditions in which the human community live and is growing in proportion to its development detrimental impact on the environment. Many of these effects have permanent consequences and endanger human health, animal and plant life. The main direction of sustainable development in traffic is slowing sharply negative impact on the environment, the stabilization of these impacts and reduce negative impacts, in order to ensure a relatively decent life for future generations. The paper gives a concrete example of the analysis of noise caused by rail transport at the location "ZRS čvor Doboj." The results indicate that it is permissible level of external noise and the levels do not exceed the limits prescribed by law. Although rail transport compared to roadtrafic is almost negligible polluter, but its share in passenger transport in BiH in the 2011th, is only 3%, and only 36% in the transportation of goods and services. One of the reasons for this is the stagnation in the construction of new railway infrastructure, stagnation in the modernization of the existing infrastructure and currently very poor state of the fleet. On its way to the E, BiH would need to transport policy, as an integral part of overall economic policy, incorporate the principles of sustainable development


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