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Selim Hasović
Selim Hasović


As the title “Legal Framework of Local Self- Government in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina“ suggests, this book is about the local self-governance int he Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina solely. For those who are interested in this type of reading and to make it clearer for them, there may be noted that only the larger BiH Entity – the Fedration of Bosnia and Herzegovina – as a part of the State od Bosnia and Herzegovina is object of this workpaper. The smaller BiH Entity – Republica Srpska and the District Brčko are also parts oft he State of BiH but this time they were not the subject. The author's intent was to elaborate this time and int his manner the larger Entity solely – the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is about legal status od the municipalities, as well as about jurisdiction oft he municipal executive and legislative authorities, those being governed by: 1. European Charter of Local Self-Government 2. Constitution of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina 3. Constitutions of the Cantons 4. Law on Basic Elements of Local Self-Government and 5. Law on Local Self-Government oft he Cantons. Therefore, the above are five key documents governing the selfgovernment status in the entity the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


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