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Sinan Alispahić ,
Sinan Alispahić
Šezad Hodžić ,
Šezad Hodžić
Hata Mušinović ,
Hata Mušinović
Irfan Zec
Irfan Zec


Digitization and technological innovations that offer numerous savings, especially labor savings, are beginning to be felt in the transport sector and in the field of road safety. There are numerous services that are digitized and that facilitate access to users, such as public transport timetables, purchase of digital tickets, travel information, taxi services, delivery of goods, etc. In these digitized services, the challenges in the field of traffic safety are not new, and the key issue is the implementation and replacement of personnel with digitized services. The digitalisation process in the transport sector offers enormous opportunities, through the deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems, the establishment of smart grids, the deployment of smart vehicles, smart infrastructure, automated road safety management, traffic flow management, the introduction of automated driving, etc. That is why the processes of digitization, automation, robotization and the use of artificial intelligence are the future in the field of road safety as well, in order to reduce the number of traffic accidents and the consequences in these accidents. Digital skills and knowledge will play a key role in the future impact on road safety. This will be a basic prerequisite for a greater impact on all future measures in the transport and road safety sectors. These processes will significantly influence the change in behavior of road users, in particular the use of smart systems, autonomous vehicles, road safety management systems and control systems


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