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Review article


Marko Amidžić ,
Marko Amidžić
Sinan Alispahić
Sinan Alispahić


The investigation and investigation of traffic accidents, especially criminal ones, by police officers and other entities handling such events require both explicit and tacit knowledge. This is especially important if the accident was caused by an unknown driver, whether he or she was moving away from the scene with or without a vehicle. In cases where the driver escapes from the scene of the accident, in addition to the quality of the investigation, a quality criminal investigation is required by police officers and the competent State Attorney's Office. The primary objective is to determine all the circumstances of the event and the consequences at the scene as well as to identify the driver. In this paper, in addition to processing the statistics of traffic accidents with unknown drivers, the manner in which police officers acted during such an investigation is presented and the process of criminal investigation of a traffic accident caused by an unknown driver, who left the scene arbitrarily. On the basis of the collected data and the analyzes of traffic accidents, guidelines for action have been proposed for the purpose of better performing the inspection and improving the safety of road traffic


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