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Anita Britvec
Anita Britvec


Collecting and using quality business information in the export business significantly increases the chances of successful business and reduces the business risks to which exporters are exposed. For an enterprise to effectively collect and utilize business information, it must first determine its information needs, select the appropriate sources of information, and establish a method for determining which foreign markets warrant serious consideration. The importance of the quality of business information lies in how information is perceived and used by its users. By defining, accessing, modifying, and redefining the quality of business information and how it can be better managed, information can be a driver, not an obstacle, to business success. The primary goal of this paper is to create an aggregate picture of the perception of information quality from individual sources. The following hypothesis was tested by a survey of the importance of business information quality for exporters: The success of exports is proportional to the use of quality business information on the export market, which has been fully proven. The highest quality export market business information, as perceived by exporters surveyed, is provided by specialized market research agencies. The results of the study showed that the surveyed companies with higher export values, compared to less successful exporters, used the business information collected from market research agencies more frequently


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