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Amira Delić ,
Amira Delić
Dragan Golijan
Dragan Golijan


Harmonization of domestic legislation with EU legislation is the biggest challenge for BiH in the EU integration process and is one of the many criteria that BiH needs to meet in order to join the EU. The process of legal harmonization and adoption of European standards entails comprehensive internal reforms, a general recovery of the system, stronger economic development and more intense foreign policy action. On its path to EU membership, BiH must align its legislation with 100,000 pages of EU legislation. Alignment of national legislation with EU legislation is not a simple rewrite of the law, but implies its adaptation to local conditions. With the provisions of the Stabilization and Association Agreement, BiH has undertaken to align its national legislation with EU legislation. The complexity of the legal system of Bosnia and Herzegovina stands out as one of the fundamental challenges in the harmonization process. As an expression of the country's willingness to meet its obligations and respond to the challenges of EU integration, the governments of potential candidate countries are adopting and adopting an Integration Program that defines and elaborates on the goals and objectives of EU accession, develops policies, reforms and measures to implement them. BiH is the only country that has not developed an Integration Program on its European path. In the process of BiH integration and approaching the EU as a whole, the key role belongs to the Directorate for European Integration of BiH as a permanent body of the Council of Ministers of BiH.


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