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Sinan Alispahić ,
Sinan Alispahić
Šezad Hodžić ,
Šezad Hodžić
Amila Duraković ,
Amila Duraković
Hata Mušinović ,
Hata Mušinović
Irfan Zec
Irfan Zec


Various changes have been introduced into driver training and driving exams over the past period in an attempt to improve the ability of new drivers and reduce the risk of involvement in road accidents. The changes introduced are intended to address the driver's inexperience and behavior of new drivers. This is primarily about introducing a minimum number of hours of driving on the road before passing the driving test, improving the quality of training through new content and methods to achieve high-level skills, longer driving times for exams, self-driving, and hazard perception testing. After obtaining a driving license, trial periods were introduced with restrictions and safeguards for new drivers for up to two years. Despite these measures, participation in road accidents for new drivers between the ages of 18 and 24 is still increasing relative to other age groups. Research suggests that this is likely due to two key factors, lack of driving experience and age-related factors, such as biological development, distraction, sensitivity to environmental events, and psychophysical status. What else can be changed in driver behavior by introducing new technologies, such as e-learning, modern driving simulators, smart vehicle systems, or in the future are autonomous vehicles operated by driverless computers.


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