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Đuro Horvat ,
Đuro Horvat
Leo Ivanjko
Leo Ivanjko


The hypothesis is that in order to realize a competitive advantage based on knowledge, it is necessary to articulate the mission, vision and appropriate strategy and to determine the key activities of the company on the basis of them. They must be systematically supported by all business processes. The functioning of the core activities depends on a number of elements, in our opinion knowledge is crucial for creating new added value. Knowledge as a resource should be stored and new ones collected, and its generation within the enterprise, which is most often done in R&D departments, is necessary. These processes can only be successfully completed by competent staff. In this respect, it is necessary to articulate a policy of recruiting suitable talented staff. Experts need to be motivated appropriately and different tools and knowledge sharing and teamwork encouraged. This is accomplished with the help of an appropriate organizational culture to better say value systems. At the same time, a system of continuous professional development of employees that can take place inside and outside the company should be developed. Continuous generation of new practical knowledge and skills enables a successful policy of marketing new products or innovations. It is innovation that is better at saying new products and services, deciding to achieve sustainable competitiveness in the modern economy. Profitable functioning of the company's core activities is not only possible without the launch of new products and services, but also the continuous innovation of production and other processes


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