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Pesticides are biochemical compounds / mixtures of compounds intended to prevent, destroy, repel or mitigate pests. Pesticides can be classified according to the target organism, chemical structure and physical state. The most common distribution of pesticides is by purpose, that is, the organism they act on. During the production, storage, applica...

By Rade Biočanin, Jasmin Jusufranić, Mubina Čolaković

The basic rule of corporate governance in the company is that ownership is separate from management, and equity, accountability and transparency in business activities are highlighted. Corporate social responsibility of business entities is already important today, and it is certain that in the future it will become even more relevant. Management s...

By Ibrahim Jusufranić, Rade Biočanin

In the formation of ecological culture of modern man has an important role of the ecological system of education. Environmental education represents the understanding of the problem of general greening of material and spiritual activities of the company. Subject of this paper is theoretical approach to motivation system of employers (proffesors) wi...

By Rade Biočanin

A key challenge with which, in the biggest measure, the countries of Western Balkans will face is expressed in the development of the millenium goals of the UN in the department of long-term development of energy by year 2050. Scientism understood as the belief in science, ego became like the base of our reality at the beginning of the third millen...

By Rade Biocanin, Jasmin Jusufranic, Mehmed Sivic

Integrated management of water systems is a complex and difficult task, which includes a set of measures and activities aimed at maintaining and improving the water regime, providing the necessary quantities of drinking water, protection of waters from pollution and protection from the damaging effects of water. Population growth and urbanization l...

By Tanja Milešević, Rade Biočanin, Dragan Nikolić

Often remains unknown how to apply and measure sustainable development into reality.0ne way to measure the sustainable development of cities, is achieved by measuring the eco-efficiency. Ecoefficiency, two-dimensional indicator of sustainable development, is one of the ways in which sustainable development can be implemented at all levels. Assess ...

By Rade Biočanin, Tanja Milešević, Mirsada Begić

The inclusion of the BiH State in the process of integration with the EU is impossible without planning of environmental policy and sustainable development principles. Particular attention should be paid to obtaining electricity from renewable energy sources. The southern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina has enormous potential for the construction of...

By Tanja Milešević, Rade Biočanin, Nenad Stojanović

The natural finds herself under the influence of energy of destructive power, old and dirty technology, uncontroling traffic, runs in the armament, war, sabotage-terroristic activities and other influences, which disrupts the balance natures and endanger the living environment.Today, the damage done to the environment, results in negative impact on...

By Marko Carić, Jasmin Jusufranić, Rade Biočanin