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Tanja Milešević ,
Tanja Milešević
Rade Biočanin ,
Rade Biočanin
Dragan Nikolić
Dragan Nikolić


Integrated management of water systems is a complex and difficult task, which includes a set of measures and activities aimed at maintaining and improving the water regime, providing the necessary quantities of drinking water, protection of waters from pollution and protection from the damaging effects of water. Population growth and urbanization lead to increased demand for drinking water and services that are related to water management, management of rain water, increasing pollution and changing land use. Our studies show dramatic changes in the level evpotranspircije rainfall, which go different ways, depending on land use, changes in the indigenous vegetation and the urban landscape. For the realization of the Strategy of a city may issue a special water management plan, which generally includes: the reasons for its adoption, covered space, presentation of papers and measures on water management plan, which is part of the area covered by the special plan, detailed analyzes and proposals of papers and measures to separate the plan is executed. Integrated management of water systems in cities is a holistic approach to planning and managing all aspects of the water cycle, in order to increase the social, environmental and economic benefits. This paper presents a proposal of solutions for sustainable management precipitation tokovma and urban environment of the city of Prijedor


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