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Review article


Ibrahim Jusufranić ,
Ibrahim Jusufranić
Rade Biočanin
Rade Biočanin


The basic rule of corporate governance in the company is that ownership is separate from management, and equity, accountability and transparency in business activities are highlighted. Corporate social responsibility of business entities is already important today, and it is certain that in the future it will become even more relevant. Management structures through the rules and procedures, concretize the rights and obligations of all participants in the management chain, while respecting the principles that are in the interests of the company and the company. An essential element of the free market is the transparency and availability of socially relevant information, upon which other parties, i.e. stakeholders may form their opinions and attitudes and make final decisions concerning their behaviour. In this respect, promoting companies’ social goals must be a continuous process, by which a lasting dedication to socially responsible business activities is explicitly expressed, and not just the completion of some „ad hoc“ activities. In this paper, the authors monitor and analyze the necessity of applying the modern concept of corporate governance and social responsibility, in the function of achieving business excellence goals, i.e. improvement of working and living environment.


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