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The existence of passengers in the public transport system puts extremely high demands on the organizers of this process, because any disturbance in the carriage of passengers reflects the satisfaction of the quality of transport services. The quality of public transport depends on the policy planning of the city development and mobility that is no...

By Milan Stanković, Pavle Gladović, Vladimir Popović, Nada Stojanović

Ladies and Gentlemen, distinguished participants of the Conference, dear guests and friends of the International University Travnik, the corporate security that we are conducting today at the XIV International Conference on Corporate Security is essentially the commitment of the company to contribute to the sustainability of its business and econom...

By Ibrahim Jusufranić

Corporate conventional security to prevent the unpredictable acts of the corporation. In modern business conditions, corporate security is carried out in an independent and equal with other functions of the business function. Today's business in particular, always carries with it a certain level of risk for the corporation. Adequate assessment of r...

By Slobodan Nešković

One of the main citation databases (CDB)in the world are SCI-E in the field of natural and applied scientific disciplines, SSCI in the field of social scientific disciplines and A&HCI in the field of art and humanitarian scientific disciplines. For 2015 year, within SCI-E all scientific areas of social scientific disciplines are classified in 1...

By Predrag Dašić

It is indisputable that the optimization of normative regulation of corporate security significantly contributes to the development of a market economy, but also the realization of security and democracy in society as a whole. This is especially true in the field of normative regulation of private security as an essential segment of corporate secur...

By Milan Milošević

The security of a state is a condition that includes all security institutions in the activities which are related to the absence of instability, a stable national security, human security, and moreover, including professionalism in the private security sector. In conditions of this kind, special relations between the institutions of the public (st...

By Atanas Kozarev

This paper shows the relationship between criminal responsibility and corporate security by analyzing the responsibilities of physical, licensed and legal persons in corporations. These two institutes are interesting and challenging area of research, given the changes in the criminal legislation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and normative framework in ...

By Sedžad Milanović

In the formation of ecological culture of modern man has an important role of the ecological system of education. Environmental education represents the understanding of the problem of general greening of material and spiritual activities of the company. Subject of this paper is theoretical approach to motivation system of employers (proffesors) wi...

By Rade Biočanin

The paper discusses some aspects of corporate security, which are related to the effects of globalization and institutions. It proves that corporate security is permanently located in the field of action by two groups of significant factors: global, representing a multiplier of various risks and threats in all human activities, and institutional, w...

By Mimo Drašković, Yuriy Bilan, Veselin Drašković

The future of business lies within a wholly digital network through interactively connected world. Without the right systems, but also without high level of social responsibility based on cultural, social and all other sensitive human existence related issues within the understandings of management of the firm and also without focusing in place to ...

By Sabahudin Hadžialić