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Trigonometry was, as a part of mathematics, until the renaissance almost exclusively usedin astronomy, and not as a mathematical theory. Plane ttrigonometry was used just as much as needed for spheerical trigonometry. There are many uses of trigonometric functions today. One of theese uses is visible in marine, specially in navigation. Numerical ca...

By Tatjana Stanivuk, Josip Đula, Frane Prolić, Marina Šarac

Bosnia and Herzegovina is a small country with very few large urban agglomerations that are especially demanding in the area of public transport, especially in the segment of high capacitive mass transportation (tram, metro or lakošinski systems). Of the cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina that have public transport are: Sarajevo (around 480,000 inhab...

By Almedina Hatarić

This paper is particularly emphasized another aspect is very important for the formation of attitudes in traffic and the development of personality and its relationship to traffic starting from children as the most vulnerable participants in traffic to the parents and teachers of children who mainly learn the most and depend on in life. Education o...

By Tihomir Đurić, Josip Jerković, Mario Zeko, Tihomir Jerković

The time of electronic business (e-business) has come, so the larger and more successful companies started or they are planning to start with realization of e-business, because it is a necessity for them. Electronic commerce (e-commerce) and electronic business should be observed in the context of their involvement with the business and technology ...

By Mirsad Imamović, Jasmin Jusufranić

The importance of transition of the Western Balkans is reflected in several aspects. Since most of the countries covered by the Process of Stabilisation and Association will not become full members of EU soon, it is conditional on by linking their economies which would have a positive impact on the rapid economic development. The processes of regio...

By Слободан Нешковић

The EU accession process took place in different stages of an individual country (the Association Agreement; Europe Agreements and Stabilisation and Association Process). With these processes, the European Union has offered to sign the Stabilization and Association Agreement which referred to Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and...

By Remzija Kadrić, Amina Kadrić, Irma Hodţić, Selma Otuzbir

Quasi-neoliberal rhetoric in some transitional countries is predominantly of apologetic and interest character. Unfortunately, it represents not only an "extended hand" of alternative institutions, but also an anti-development basis of official economic policy. It is one of the proven ideological methods for ignoring and submission the formal and i...

By Mimo Drašković, Veselin Drašković, Slobodan Lakić

The main prerequisite for successful economic development of every economy in the modern business environment implies availability of sufficient financial resources with which would be financed the successful and sustained economic growth and development.Having in mind that the financial capital is very limited resource, and that many countries do ...

By Maida Bećirović, Azra Bećirović, Duško Masleša, Jasna Kuljanović

The phenomenon of leadership is old as civilization. Today in management exists a myriad of definitions of leadership as well as people who have attempted to define it. Leadership is not easy to define, because it is impossible to have specific rules for specific behaviours of individuals. Leadership in organizations is seen as the launch of the re...

By Enes Huseinagić, Lejla Skopljak, Mujo Fišo

The development strategy represents a set of (complex) coordinated activities wich for predetermined period of time lead to the realization of the existing basic goals of economic and social development. Bosnia and Herzegovina does not have a comprehensive and well thought out strategic development program for a longer period. Planning socio-econom...

By Ibrahim Jusufranić