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This paper aims to articulate the need for establishing a national strategy for research and educational infrastructure in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Modern scientific research and education in the field of complex problems in all areas of science rely on advanced and complex scientific research infrastructure. In the EU already exists the European Re...

By Enes Huseinagić, Lejla Skopljak, Mujo Fišo

Designated industry is the most profitable branch of the economy , the conclusion of the round table " Status and development of a dedicated production in Bosnia and Herzegovina ", held 14.12.2010.godine the Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo . Given the current situation and the tendency of constant weakening of this impor...

By Mehmed Konaković

Traffic is vital for the European and the national economy. A key requirement for sustainable development and improvement is a good traffic connections within EU members, as well as connections with third countries. The establishment of strong traffic network of transport among European countries, will enable the promotion of development and compet...

By Sinan Alispahić, Tihomir Đurić

20.12.2014. Review article

Although since the industrial revolution knowledge holds a key to development, is now emerging as an important entrepreneurial resource and basic generator of economic growth. Influenced the development of ICT and qualitatively different social relations, multiplying the effect of the application of new knowledge accelerates the transformation of m...

By Nikola Kuvačić, Zenaida Varupa

Businesses today operate in a particularly uncertain and changing environment and are confronted with sudden, unexpected and unpredictable changes. Every day there are new needs, demand is expanding and changing, markets are becoming more demanding, the creation of new industries and industrial clusters, competition increases in all sectors, to acc...

By Dalija Kuvačić, Jasmin Jusufranić

The authors of this work analyze the necessity of the exertion of the contemporary concept of the entrepreneurship in the domestic business organization in order to achieve goals within business excellence. The entrepreneurship behavior is a way of thinking. fixed on the creative business. The essence is in the innovative acting which enables the c...

By Cariša Bešić, Dejan Đorđević, Snežana Bešić

The aim of this paper is to highlight the importance of the ICT sector (information and communication technologies) and the application of the new technologies in the Economy. The paper points out the importance of modern economic theory “new growth theory" provides to the application of new information and communication technologies. The impo...

By Ivica Merdžan,

The economic literature has shown that the role of institutions in general and economic institutions in particular, are extremely important for economic growth and sustainable economic development. In most transition countries is uniform application of economic and general institutes significantly reduced, influenced by the ideas of economist - ref...

By Dragan Radović

Service sector has a great impact on the domestic economy as on the economy in general. Effective service sector is becoming a backbone of every development process in the economy. Countries with liberal service sector have faster and stronger economic growth than countries with closed and limited service sector. In theory most common service chara...

By Angela Kuzmanova, Ante Aralica

Railway transport is linked to the same conditions in which the human community live and is growing in proportion to its development detrimental impact on the environment. Many of these effects have permanent consequences and endanger human health, animal and plant life. The main direction of sustainable development in traffic is slowing sharply ne...

By Tanja Milešević