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Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of the six federal units of former Yugoslavia, which is constituted as a final state. There have been attempts to finish its constitution in 1992. year, but it did not work for many reasons. On the trail of neglect important facts, especially the equality of all three nations, was formed separative state organizations ...

By Golijan Dragan, Alisa Salkić

The security community of Bosnia and Herzegovina implies the protection of national unity, internal stability of legal and political system and social community as a whole. Such a level of protection is achieved by timely detection and elimination of relevant existing or forthcoming phenomena and processes that can negatively impact upon the securi...

By Zoran Savić, Zoran Kovačević

As the title “Legal Framework of Local Self- Government in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina“ suggests, this book is about the local self-governance int he Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina solely. For those who are interested in this type of reading and to make it clearer for them, there may be noted that only the larger BiH Entity – the...

By Selim Hasović

Dayton Peace Accords (Dayton, November 21 1995) was signed in entirely adverse circumstances for Bosnia and Hezegovina, and it is a result of strong pressure of International Community, especially of American administration of those times. Content of the Accords, in its general provisions and annexes (eleven annexes in total), is contradictory (Ann...

By Remzija Kadrić

In the past two decades, and in the whole period after the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement, Bosnia and Herzegovina has maintained a relatively high degree of political instability, which is why the process of democratic decision-making, coordination and harmonization hardly worked. The standard of living remained low, the positive impact of t...

By Rebić Nevenko

20.12.2014. Review article

This paper special emphasis will be given to the analysis of bankruptcy reasons. However, before the band obviously, emphasis will be given to the analysis of the concept of bankruptcy and insolvency system and the system itself is bankruptcy. That is, the first part of this paper analyzes the basic concepts relating to insolvency and bankruptcy le...

By Mlađo Novaković

In the 21st century, companies are faced with the question of how to achieve a competitive advantage, and thereby improve their business. Constant turbulent conditions in which companies are further emphasize this need and the necessity to pay great attention to it. In order to achieve this goal, companies can use e-marketing to achieve their compe...

By Немања Сапардић

20.12.2014. Review article

The property is still its owner. With the death of the property owner, it becomes the property of others or the statutory or testamentary heir. It may be that there is no successor, to renounce inheritance, that the will is null and void, that is incapable or unworthy successor or the other. That the property would not be a "nobody" then appears as...

By Dragan Golijan, Radoslav Lavrić, Alisa Salkić

In the following, our attention will be focused on the analysis of a number of significant issues related to specific and basic features of economic, political and legal system of the European Union. We have tried to reach findings that could show a balance. In basic, the starting point of our analysis was a complex system of the European Union as ...

By Mladen Bodiroža, Gordana Erić-Bodiroža, Stevan Petković

Thematic promotion and protection of the environment is an essential area of engagement of all relevant entities of international politics. The ecological paradigm in traditional and postmodern context means a strategic approach to resolving the controversy of human society, expressed in different stages of its existence. The globalization of the e...

By Slobodan Nešković