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Review article


Sinan Alispahić ,
Sinan Alispahić
Tihomir Đurić ,
Tihomir Đurić
Xhevat Podrimqaku
Xhevat Podrimqaku


The key requirement of road transport with all the new challenges is safety. Strategies that have been identified, measures and activities are aimed at improving safety. The effect of their implementation and impact on road safety trends, was the goal of this study. Research was conducted over the five-year period up to the 2013th in the European Union and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Data on the number of road accidents and the number of deaths were analyzed and compared, focusing on the state of road safety in the European Union, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. According to the results, in the European Union in the last three years there is a trend of continuous reduction in the number of deaths by 17 %, as well as in Croatia by 14 %. In Bosnia and Herzegovina there is a decreasing trend of 5.6 %, with the data compared to the 2012th show an increasing number of fatalities by 11.3 %. The resulting findings suggest the need for additional efforts of responsible entities at all levels in the implementation of the identified measures, as well as finding new ones, which will contribute to improving road safety


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