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The world is facing an atypical way of life during the pandemic period of Covid 19. The department of education, especially, was one of the departments that had to meet the challenge of a completely new living and teaching style. Having determined this, the purpose of this study aims to develop and complete the teachers' digital competence at Eleme...

By Nedžada Tolja

COVID-19 pandemic brought a series of changes in all spheres of human life. The context of education, business, movement, socialization and daily life has completely changed, which posed a challenge to almost the entire population – both in the world and in Montenegro. During 2020, over 190 countries were forced to temporarily close educational ins...

By Natalija Drekalović, Sanida Šabotić, Aleksandar Drekalović, Aleksandra Gogić

The primary motive of this research is determining the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the highly complex structures such as global supply chains. The research draws conclusions about the current situation and challenges that global supply chains will face in the near future. Therefore, primary and secondary data sources, statistical indicators ...

By Maja Matajčić, Krešimir Buntak, Sanja Zlatić

: The pandemic of the COVID-19 virus begin to spread at the end of 2019. and in the countries od the Western Balkans at the beginning of 2020. Immediately after the declaration of the pandemic, measures to close the borders and a ban on movement followed. These measures have had a significant impact on the operations of almost all branches of the e...

By Emira Destanović, Momčilo Sladoje

We live in a world of massively use of social networks, which are gradually taking a central place in modern communication, replacing forums, e-mail and sms. However, what needs to be pointed out is that the use of social networks has changed not only the way of spending free time, communication, business, but also the way of learning and the way o...

By Ela Martinčević, Krešimir Buntak, Ivana Martinčević

In order to improve the quality of publishing, i.e. to study the attitudes and opinions of consumers, readers regarding the content and concept of the journal "Science and Technology" in 2020 and 2021, a survey of a number of authors, students and teachers of the International University Travnik in Travnik most of whom are readers of the magazine. ...

By Enes Huseinagić

The Covid-19 global pandemic posed a number of unexpected challenges to companies of all sizes and business activities to combat the spread of the virus, which reflected not only on internal changes in employee management, but also changes in the management of external stakeholders - such as customers and suppliers. The purpose of this paper is to ...

By Lejla Skopljak

For Excel's calculation of basic (fixed) assets amortisation values, the investigated economic and mathematical foundation with required values and their relations were used. The investigated and introduced theory is adapted to Excel's calculations of fixed assets amoritisation based on today's needs. All values for Excel's calculations are sorted ...

By Sead Rešić, Husnija Bibuljica, Vehbi Ramaj

Wastewater treatment is a procedure that reduces the present pollution with which the treated wastewater discharged into the recipient does not pose a danger to the environment. The paper discusses the mechanical procedures of wastewater treatment with special emphasis on sedimentation tanks. Sedimentation as a wastewater treatment technology is th...

By Slavko Đurić, Zdravko Bozičković, Asib Alihodžić, Milan Milotić

In this paper, we present a new concept of offering services in public administration to its users, based on new technological solutions. We suggest using a new concept of intelligent information according to which public administration can offer the user a service at the right time. The service user can now get the service by going to the public a...

By Mladen Radivojević, Dina Vrebac, Nehad Gaši