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In this paper, we present a new concept of offering services in public administration to its users, based on new technological solutions. We suggest using a new concept of intelligent information according to which public administration can offer the user a service at the right time. The service user can now get the service by going to the public a...

By Mladen Radivojević, Dina Vrebac, Nehad Gaši

The management of the healthcare facilities is a complex process. The successful management means integration of the knowledge in economics and business and also from medicine, from modern trends and developments in medical science and proper management of the material and human resources. There is more than ever a need for branding a healthcare in...

By Sanela Salihagić

23.12.2021. Review article

This paper presents the idea of the New Silk Road, the largest infrastructure project in world history, with particular reference to its segment called the Digital Silk Road. This paper will describe the technologies that will form the backbone of the Digital Silk Road, the current stages in the implementation of these technologies, as well as plan...

By Goran Popović, Amira Trako

: Bosnia and Herzegovina as a country of biological and geological diversity, is characterized by the uniqueness of spatial and temporal organization. In order to preserve these natural values on the way to the European Union, the protection of nature and the environment in the adopted acts puts as one of the key imperatives for the future. In this...

By Nedžada Tolja

23.12.2021. Review article

Pedestrians are the most vulnerable group of participants in traffic, who, in collision with motor vehicles, most often suffer severe bodily injuries, and sometimes even fatal. The contemporary automobile industry is making great efforts to develop active and passive protection systems for all participants in traffic, including pedestrians. Protect...

By Danislav Drašković

The global pandemic caused by the rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus has caused in addition to the loss of human lives and other consequences for both individuals and states. It brought with it new patterns of behavior such as the application of social and physical distancing, and intensified the use of technology for communication, surveillance an...

By Muhamed Ćosić, Hadžib Salkić, Nešad Krnjić

Wastewater treatment is a procedure that reduces the present pollution with which the treated wastewater discharged into the recipient does not pose a danger to the environment. The paper discusses the mechanical procedures of wastewater treatment with special emphasis on sedimentation tanks. Sedimentation as a wastewater treatment technology is th...

By Slavko Đurić, Zdravko Bozičković, Asib Alihodžić, Milan Milotić

In order to improve the quality of publishing, i.e. to study the attitudes and opinions of consumers, readers regarding the content and concept of the journal "Science and Technology" in 2020 and 2021, a survey of a number of authors, students and teachers of the International University Travnik in Travnik most of whom are readers of the magazine. ...

By Enes Huseinagić

The philosophy of economic development from the beginning of the third millennium is to establish sustainability on the principles of the New Economy for all the resources involved. The content consists of establishing changes in production and consumption, in which resource utilization, investment flows, technological development, organizational r...

By Suad Obradović, Krsto Mijanović

The new economy means profound changes in society and in the economy, and its final result should be the growth of living standards of the people. The digital economy is a modern way in which information technologies and especially the Internet are used. It has led to a transition from an industrial economy to an economy characterized by informatio...

By Ibrahim Jusufranić