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Sinan Alispahić ,
Sinan Alispahić
Tihomir Đurić
Tihomir Đurić


Traffic is vital for the European and the national economy. A key requirement for sustainable development and improvement is a good traffic connections within EU members, as well as connections with third countries. The establishment of strong traffic network of transport among European countries, will enable the promotion of development and competitiveness. This approach represents a framework for the unique traffic market and improving traffic mobility of transporting goods and passengers at regional and national level. Improving the functionality and efficiency of transpor is the basis of the sustainability of overall national and European economy. Sustainable development means building a sustainable economy that rationally exploits resources, development of new processes and technologies, including green technologies, accelerating the development of transport networks by using information and communication technologies and strengthening competitiveness. It will remove bottlenecks on major transport routes, improve transport infrastructure and enable the connection of different types of transport in multi-modal transport in the whole area. It will enable safer and faster transport, make great savings and make transport more efficient as a key of overall economic development .


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