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Enes Huseinagić ,
Enes Huseinagić
Dženana Huseinagić ,
Dženana Huseinagić
Nudžejma Huseinagić
Nudžejma Huseinagić


The managerial challenge of modern times is the replacement of orthodox management systems and identities, which are based on industrial civilization, the insecure world brought by postindustrial civilization. Modern technological, social and market changes require new managerial rules, different methods under different management systems and identity management in the future. Clearly, these evolutionary changes are monitored at the organizational level, but we can take some typologies of titles that will enable us to understand the new trends in managerial philosophy: network organization, learning organization, intellectual enterprise, virtual corporation, renovated corporation, information organization, creative business skills, smart organization and abstained balanced organizations. The new managerial paradigm, which is crucial for a different managerial position, is based on completely new scientific knowledge. Organizations as compound dynamic complex systems are based on the principles of self-organization and learning, and are thus subject to the laws of spontaneous evolutionary development. Companies and institutions on the market are most stable when they are creative and innovative, and when creative chaos dominates.


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